LiVE Platform ( is a resourceful education platform by the Stock Exchange of Thailand (the “SET”) with the main purpose to assist SMEs and startups in preparing themselves for upscaling and fundraising in the capital market. The Platform also serves as a source of useful business information for entrepreneurs, investors, and general public.
As part of LiVE Platform, Domnern Somgiat & Boonma has been appointed as “LiVE GURU”, a panelist of masterly experts in various fields selected by the SET for answering specialized questions from the Platform users. The firm is assigned to handle matters relating to intellectual properties, including trademarks, designs, patents, copyrights, geographical indications, and other relevant issues. Led by Padcha Ritkasem, our response team will promptly provide answers to questions submitted by the users through the Platform.
Being warmly welcomed, Domnern received the first question from a subsidiary of a prominent Japanese electric company within only few days after the announcement. In addition to serving as the LiVE Guru, Domnern will also contribute to the Platform in other forms of knowledge sharing, including Webinars and e-learning materials.
Other LiVE GURUs include highly respected professional service providers with diverse expertise including marketing, finance, accounting, and business management. You may submit your question to the LiVE GURUs at